Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yahoo CEO steps down over fake academic credentials

New York, May 14: Scott Thompson has stepped down as the CEO of Yahoo after it was found that he padded his educational record, ending his four months tenure in the company. Yahoo confirmed in a statement saying Thompson "has left the company". The shocking details of Thompson padding up his educational details came to light after activist hedge fund Third Point allegedly accused that the former lied about his educational details. Reports reveal that Roy Bostock, Yahoo Chairman and four other directors, who already announced their plans to step down later this year will now leave the board immediately. Activist hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb and two of his allies, turnaround specialist Harry Wilson and former MTV Networks executive Michael Wolf, are expected to fill their shoes. While Alfred Amoroso, a veteran technology executive, will succeed to Bostock's throne. The matter on Thompson's fake educational credentials was exposed in a letter written by Third Point's founder and chief executive, Dan Loeb to the Yahoo board. In his letter, Loeb said, "Stonehill College informed us that it did not begin awarding computer science degrees until 1983 - four years after Mr Thompson graduated." Reiterating that it was an "inadvertent error", Yahoo in its statement said, "Scott Thompson received a bachelor of science degree in business administration with a major in accounting from Stonehill college. There was an inadvertent error that stated Mr Thompson also holds a degree in computer science." The internet giant was on a downslide ever since former Chief Executive Carol Bartz was fired. Last year also saw Yahoo revenue going downhill by more than a fifth after Thompson, who is PayPal's former president joined on board as Chief Executive in January.

Monday, May 20, 2013

True leadership comes in pink tennis shoes and jeans

True leaders are mentors with a servant's heart. These are not just pretty words to fill out space. If you are NOT a true servant with a true passion for helping people you will not be a true leader in the real sense of the word. It is that simple. You may be doing well and have a list of people listening to your advices, but that alone does not make you a leader. People are not numbers you can just add on your email list or connection networks. They are people with dreams and goals like you. As a true leader, it should be your goal to lead people to where they want to be. Being a leader, is not something you have to be born with. You can develop the qualities of a leader by being a good follower. True leaders, however, are not average people, they must be above average. I mean by this, that if you are an everyday average person, you are most likely a follower, not a leader. Once you become a leader, your thoughts, actions, and achievements will be above average, because you will be reacting differently than the average person. So what does a leader look like? Look at the young girls that are shown in this picture. They are a true depiction of leadership in its purest form. I understand that we typically do not think of leadership in jeans and pink tennis shoes, but maybe that is part of the problem. We often expect to see leadership in a certain and we miss all of the magical leaders that have the potential of changing the world. We walk right by the ones that would most likely soar above any of the others because we have a narrow predetermined vision of what it be. The girls that you see here have decided to take the reality of their life, learn from it and focus on others so that they can make a difference for the generation that will walk after them. Before they were a decade old, they had already set their legacy in motion. Three of the four children that you see here have terminal cancer. Their dream of life and what they and their families thought that it could be have been shattered by the hard and cruel facts of reality. They could choose to get lost in that reality and lose their dreams, and yet they are finding the empowerment in the journey. That is right! They have chosen to NOT be a VICTIM but have made a decision to embrace empowerment. The journey is the part of life where we must consciously choose to capture the lessons from the darkest of our experiences and focus outward on other people. This is the trait of a real leader. This is where the reward happens. Not just a reward for you and the individual that you focus on but also with all of the people that they interact with. It is a true ripple effect. They are dedicated to raising awareness of childhood cancer, raising research dollars for it and identifying children in their county that are experiencing it so that they can teach them how to lead in jeans and pink tennis shoes too! In the last two years they have raised countless spirits, pulled a community together, inspired numerous other businesses to get involved and have raised over $75,000. Beyond that, they are inspiring a movement of people. They have a level of influence that most leaders only dream of. When they enter a room, it is like a magnet. People stop and are automatically mesmerized. Not because of their lack of hair or the hand tremors from the variety of medicine cocktails that they have to take daily. Not by far! They have a special twinkle in their eye and energy in their step. They chose to see the light in the darkest of closets and the good in the shadiest of people. They truly have a different perspective on life and appreciate and value all that come across their path. Like I said, a true depiction of leadership in its purest form. Excuse me. I must go now. I need to go and find a cute pair of pink tennis shoes and play webkins with the girls. If I am observant enough, I might learn a thing or two about leadership!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shoe polishes contain alcohol. Leather is no different than your skin. If you put alcohol on it, the alcohol will dry it out and continual use will lead to cracking. There is more alcohol in liquid and hard waxes than in creme polishes, so use accordingly. In between polishing the shoes, a quick brushing will restore the shine and remove the dust and grime that accumulates when walking. If you have many shoes of various colors, you might want to purchase neutral polish instead of investing in so many colors. Use matching liquid shoe polish on the outside and upper soles of the shoes as well as the leather heels. You can achieve an even better shine with most waxes by applying them with a wet cotton ball or bit of cotton waste, squeezed almost dry. With the harder waxes (Kiwi, for example) an adequate finish can then be achieved with the brush alone. Softer ones require the buffing cloth and spit-shining--which really isn't worth the trouble once you've mastered the cotton ball method. On well-maintained shoes, a good shine can take as little as three or four minutes. Polishes build up on leather (and may cause a haze to develop) so it is best to occasionally use a saddle soap and leather conditioner to clean the leather.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

August 2011 Birth Club

Do you ever go to the website Zulily? You can find shoes there at discounted prices, and there is just a standard shipping fee. Last week they had See Kai Run shoes (I did not check today, but they could still be there). You just have to look on day one to have access to all available sizes (most popular sizes sell out quickly). My brother has four boys (and a shoestring budget), and I am pretty sure that most of the shoes when they were younger came from Target or sales racks of department stores. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Converse Lures 'Rebel Consumer' with Musician Collaborations

Rock stars from Elvis Presley and the Rolling Stones to Nirvana and even Justin Bieber and the guys of LMFAO have all rocked out in Chuck Taylors. Made of canvas and rubber, the century-old American brand's shoes have epitomized countercultural cool for decades. "They really haven't changed in 103 years. They're basically the same exact shoe," said Converse archivist Sam Smallidge. First stitched outside of Boston in 1908, Converse was born as a basketball shoe, though it quickly outgrew its place in the sportswear market and the Chuck Taylor emerged as a piece of American pop culture. Even in these tough economic times, sales have been on the rise. "I think everybody on the earth, it seems like, has had a pair of these at one point in time," said Converse CEO and President Jim Calhoun. However, in the last decade, Converse found itself struggling, filing for bankruptcy and failing to compete in a saturated sports market. "I think we tried to go down a sports performance path when there were other brands, frankly, that were spending more money and were better at it than us," Calhoun said. Ironically, it was Nike, one of the biggest sports performance companies in the world, that bought up and bailed out Converse. Calhoun said the company now sells about 200,000 pairs of Chuck Taylors each day around the world. "That's the best-selling shoe of all time and continues to really be our iconic product," he said. But the shoe that once boasted a "Made in the USA" stamp isn't made in America anymore. Factory employees claimed their bosses slapped, kicked and verbally abused them. When asked about the reports, Calhoun called the incidents "unfortunate" and "unacceptable." "We take workers' rights as seriously and it's as much a priority as delivering great products and experiences to our consumers," he said. While Calhoun said the company has made progress on fixing the problem, Converse's critics say the company is still falling short in rectifying factory workers' complaints. "We don't take a passive approach. We don't wait for the problems. We proactively monitor our factories," Calhoun said. "But I'd be less than sincere if I said no problem will ever happen again." Despite the controversies and financial problems, the company is now betting its future on a return to its musical roots. Converse began inviting musicians, including Pharrell and, most recently, the Gorillaz, to cut original tracks to build social buzz around the brand. They've also built an empire on special shoe collaborations with U2's The Edge, Metallica and Lupe Fiasco. The goal is to win back that "rebel consumer" of hard-to-woo hipsters. QUIZ: Celebrities' Wild Kicks: Who Wore Those Sneakers? Converse also recently built a 5,200-square-foot state-of-the-art recording studio in Brooklyn called Rubber Tracks. "The idea around the studio was to build a place to say thank you, thank you to all the artists who have done all this great work in our shoes over the years, and a way for us to give back to the community," said Converse Chief Marketing Officer Geoff Cottrill. So far, 150 up-start acts, short on cash with big dreams, have been invited to record on Converse's dime. The recording sessions are free for these garage bands and bedroom musicians, but the artists are invited to post their music on the Converse Facebook pages, one of the most significant apparel brands in social media. "We're not measuring every single band that comes in here and how many shoes they're going to sell," Cottrill said. "We truly believe in the idea of doing good things for our consumers. Good things will happen to us in return."

Friday, May 3, 2013

and even fits the children's shoes herself

Having been brought up wearing Start-rite shoes Myleene was already a fan of the brand. She said: 'My first pair of shoes were Start-rite shoes and my daughter's first pair of shoes were Start-rite shoes.' Since having her two daughters Ava (five this year) and Hero (turning one this year), Myleene knows all too well the worries that every parent faces in trying to do the best for their children. She said: 'There are so many things parents think and worry about when bringing up their children, what they are eating, if they are warm enough, if they have a good education, but feet always seem to get forgotten. 'We talk about feet from a fashion perspective but never from a health perspective. These feet are going to carry our children through life so we need to look after them right from the start. 'By ensuring children wear shoes that properly fit their feet you can help prevent problems in later life.' The range contains brand new styles for 2013, as well as the return of popular styles from last year, all featuring Myleene's signature linings of leopard print for girls and tartan for boys. Stylish: Donning a summery white dress with red heels, Myleene looked picture perfect at the launch The Girls Carmen shoe - a popular style from last year and one often worn by Myleene's daughter Hero, will be making a return. Priced between £34 and £49, there are shoes for all occasions. Whether they are intended to be worn to a Princess-themed tea party or a day out at the park, Myleene has ensured each has a flourish of her flamboyant style. I dont actually understand why shes so hated -- Quiet Life, uk, United Kingdom, 17/4/2013 9:05=======People have their reasons for disliking her so strongly, and even though you may not understand the views of others, consider this: Far more people may not understand why anyone cares one bit for her (except those who can¿t see beyond some half-naked woman posing to have her picture taken and published around the world--No wonder Graham left). But everyone is entitled to their opinion aren't they? There is no law saying everyone has to love Myleene Klass is there--because they certainly do not. Does that answer your question Myleene? I dont actually understand why shes so hated! What has she done so wrong?! Anyway i love her childrens range of clothes and shoes. Yes some of it is expensive but when it comes to shoes i would rather buy ONE decent pair of shoes for my toddler than half a dozen pairs of very cheap shoes that could be both uncomfortable and damaging to her feet. Go ahead and red arrow but the only reason people could possibly dislike this women is down to the green eyed monster, and if you dont like her stuff then you dont have to buy it do you?!

Bella Bella team faces long trek to take part in Sun Run

They live about 400 kilometres north of Vancouver in a remote coastal fishing village, but the hearts of the seven brave students and their two chaperones beat as one with their fellow urban runners who will lace up running shoes for the Sun Run next Sunday. There is no Staples store in Bella Bella to help with signs and posters. There is no glitzy department store to outfit them in snazzy apparel and there are no trained specialists in 10-kilometre runs. But that hasn't made them hesitate. Not for a moment. Like so many practical northerners, they have rolled up their sleeves and come up with their own unique means of finding a way down to take part in one of the biggest community runs on the planet. Lately, students have been bagging groceries in the town's one store to raise money for their first foray down to the big-city run. They take turns. Sometimes it's just a few nickels and dimes. But they are grateful for every penny. For getting here is no easy journey. and taking two ferries. Kindergarten teacher Sharon Wilson, who is one of two chaperones accompanying the seven students and taking part in the run themselves, estimates it takes 11 hours one way in travel time, not including stops along the way. They can't wait. They began training by getting ready for the Terry Fox run in September. They started out small, running perhaps just 20 minutes a day. The weather wasn't great. But then, as Wilson reminded the students, neither was it always great when a Canadian hero named Terry Fox ran his epic Marathon of Hope in 1980. During a phone call to Bella Bella with Wilson, she pauses when asked why the students and chaperones want to take part in the Sun Run. The answers are both simple and complex at once. Like many first nations communities, Bella Bella has a high diabetes rate. Hence there is a need and desire to adopt healthier lifestyles. As well, the community is fairly isolated with little in the way of extracurricular activities for young people, explained Wilson. Basketball is the big sport but not everyone likes basketball. Then comes the simplest answer of all: some of the kids are just great runners, she says with a laugh, taking joy in the whims of her young proteges. The trip is almost as much an exposure to the outside world as it is a leap into one of the biggest community runs in the world. The group plan to try to visit Stanley Park, perhaps cycling around the seawall. Then in a stop in Nanaimo, they hope to go bowling and take a dip in a wave pool. Such things don't exist in Bella Bella. "There is the ocean here but it's nothing like a wave pool," said Wilson. And "we don't have anything like a seawall." But the main thing is the run. As they take practice runs through the town, there are thumbs-ups and smiles. It's a sure sign this community which has seen hard times with a flagging fishery is on the right track.

Friday, April 26, 2013

25 million to settle false claims about its toning shoes

Reebok International Ltd. will refund $25 million to customers who bought its popular toning shoes, in one of the largest settlements ever reached between a company and the federal government over deceptive advertising claims. A complaint filed yesterday by the Federal Trade Commission said the Canton footwear maker ads frequently featured toned, scantily-clad, and sometimes nude women who falsely said that the shoes had been shown to tighten muscles. As part of the settlement, Reebok is barred from using such claims to market its toning merchandise. Toning shoes - sneakers designed with unstable soles so leg muscles have to work harder to maintain balance during everyday activities - were the fastest growing segment in the footwear industry last year, with sales soaring to $1.1 billion from $350 million in 2009, according to Matt Powell, an analyst with SportsOne Source. The sneakers were sold at a premium of roughly $100 a pair, though prices have dropped significantly in recent months because of an inventory glut. In one ad cited by the FTC and shown on television and the Internet, a model, wearing little clothing, said, EasyTone shoes not only look fantastic, they help make your legs and butt look great, too. For example, EasyTone ads said the footwear was proven to improve muscle tone and strength by 28 percent and work hamstring and calf muscles 11 percent harder than regular sneakers. want all marketers to know they must have substantiation for their claims prior to making them, Bungo said. Reebok said yesterday that it stands behind the toning technology. does not mean we agree with the FTC allegations; we do not, the company said in a statement. have received overwhelmingly enthusiastic feedback from thousands of EasyTone customers, and we remain committed to the further development of our EasyTone products. Skechers, the largest toning brand with about half the market, disclosed in a securities filing last month that the FTC is reviewing its advertising claims. And in a lawsuit filed by a California woman, New Balance is accused of deceiving customers by promising its toning shoes create more sculpted legs than traditional walking sneakers. The settlement covers toning shoes and apparel, including EasyTone, RunTone, TrainTone, JumpTone, SimplyTone, and SlimTone, purchased on or after Dec. 5, 2008. Consumers who submit refund requests in excess of $200 may be asked to provide proof of purchase. During the past year, fitness and medical professionals have raised concerns that the shoes could do more harm than good. A study released in 2010 by the American Council on Exercise, a nonprofit, concluded that the shoes failed to live up to fitness promises made by manufacturers. do want to believe in an effortless approach to becoming fit, Cedric X. Bryant, the council chief science officer, said yesterday. the claims that customers were inundated with - that these shoes helped burn calories and produced a firmer butt - simply were not supported by the research. It not a sexy message, but getting fit requires a combination of regular activity, sensible eating, and making lifestyle changes. Cindy Pezza, a podiatric assistant in Stoughton who oversees her office therapeutic shoe program, said she continues to see patients who have worn toning shoes for several months and complain of pain and tightness in the heel, calf, and Achilles tendon. Pezza purchased her own pair of EasyTone sneakers, but set them aside after two months. She is not sure whether she will apply for a refund, but doesn plan on wearing the toning sneakers any time soon. didn feel stable in them, and I didn really see any difference, Pezza said. buy them because they saw the commercial with the girl in the little short shorts and long legs. But she didn get those from wearing the sneakers. She runs 10 miles a day. I knew that. I couldn run three miles in them.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Clarks Shoes

Clarks Shoes is one of those companies that every now and then come up with a masterpiece that takes the world by storm. This has been the modus operandi since way back in the beginning when the first footwear was designed and made by the man who started it all; Mr. Cyrus Clark. It happened over 180 years ago and today Clarks Shoes has become a household brand in many parts of the world. When the Clark brothers started their business in the 1830s sheepskin slippers were one of their first projects. Humble beginnings indeed but with no lack of determination they set forth at a more rapid pace when Singer sewing machines made their appearance. Hard work and continued improvement of the product as well as customer satisfaction guaranteed long term success. The next major breakthrough came when the "Desert Boot" made its appearance. During the fifties Nathan Clark designed this boot after being inspired by British Army boots for simplicity and comfort. This was a smash hit. Apart from the fact that Clarks was already a household name in many parts of Europe this invention ensured their continuing success locally as well as abroad. During the sixties one of the Clark descendants, namely Lance Clark, created what became known as a "Clark Classic". The moccasin style shoe, named "The Wallabee", came into existence. At the time this particular style became enormously popular all over the west, and Clarks' popularity and success continued to grow and expand. The high standard set by the company in providing quality products as well as offering terrific customer service has become synonymous with the Clarks name. One of the many reasons for their growing success is the fact that Clarks remains up to date with all aspects of existing as well as developing technology. Continuous research into all levels of manufacturing has led them to discover and use polyurethane in the shoe soles. The lightweight and hardwearing sole has remained popular up until now since its discovery in the early sixties. The comfort that is provided by this particular sole has remained unsurpassed, and has become synonymous with the Clarks brand By today's standards, Clarks is up there with the best. No shoe company could survive for long if it did not keep up with the trends and fashions, and Clarks has done all that and more. The company's main focus is on comfort, quality and style, rather than glitz and glamour. Everything from casual to dress casuals, informal, sandals and clogs, pumps and boots and many more "everyday" shoes are available, for women, men, and children too. The huge range gets supplemented on a regular basis to meet the ever increasing demand for a quality as well as comfortable shoe. New styles are also regularly advertised and available online. Buying online has become a very convenient way to shop indeed. Clarks has made provisions for this situation as well as for those that find it difficult to get to a Clarks store. Every purchase comes with a money back guarantee if it does not meet the required standards. Service deliveries for online shoppers are known to be prompt and efficient. Children's shoes are another division of Clarks that is not only sought after but a preferred first choice of many parents. The added bonus is that they will most likely find everything needed and suitable for all ages and does not have to go hunting around. Clarks have always paid careful attention to all aspects of improving children's shoes over the years. They remain up to this day the most popular shoe store for children in England. Clarks ranks at the top of the shoe trade of the world. Over 40 million pairs of shoes are manufactured on a global scale annually. Amongst their success stories they have also managed to help under privileged and disadvantaged communities. One such community is in a township in South Africa where many adults have died of AIDS. Those that remain are left to take care of the many orphans and this has become a huge burden for the women that have taken on the responsibility. Lance Clark came across this particular township and its plights and went on to establish a shoe manufacturing company called "Soul of Africa". This wonderful opportunity enabled the creative township women to be trained in shoe making and eventually improve their living conditions on all levels. This they have managed to achieve, and production has expanded to the United States. Well done, Clarks. Definitely another success story! Clarks Shoes has managed to evolve with the times and stay in fashion with comfortable, attractive styling as well as a corporate culture that is equally innovative.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Buy NFL Jerseys Wholesale Online.

As you might observe there are not more and more people putting on American footbal wholesale+jerseys inside the pavement, the principal purpose may be the common appearance of the jerseys. Nevertheless, there are so many Nfl jerseys that you can search numerous online. For anyone low-cost national football league jerseys, the net should be the number 1 place to visit. In the event you lookup with enough contentration, you will discover these wholesale national football league jerseys out there.When you determine which jersey you want, that will narrow down your search, you should look at about you budget. Any time all these are done, go searching. As there are web sites on the internet in which buy their own products form vendors with wholesale after that flip it to people at very low costs. Thus usually these on-line products can really save a good deal. One self in good wholesale jerseys, simply if you get the actual access to the actual supplier, you are able to achieve all of them. But the wholesale price as well be achieved if you find truly massive lower price or even outdoor patio purchase.Aside from the price, accountant los angeles advantages purchasing on-line. The online stores are often open up regarding 24 hours the day more effective instances weekly. You are able to go there and check about with no pressure. The only issue might be the particular fitting. This also may be averted when you go to the keep and also fitted the similar product.On the other hand, there are truly several cautions you should bear in mind. The basic safety with the websites you are coping with is really important. You don't want being deceived straight into which knockoff, proper? Make certain the website is set up. Before buying, allow it to be clear about these information on your own acquiring to be able to enable you to get the right thing, furthermore know about the return and delivery policies when such circumstance occurs. For those more details you've always wondered about the products such as wholesale jerseys, you are able to e-mail towards the web sites that may furthermore check their own client companies. Simply new member these tips, you'll get what you really are really want..

3 Crucial Elements You Need To Know on How to Avoid
Going Broke Online.
By Patrick Ravi

Yes! Dot mania is dead! and buried! While this might
be so, it is crucial to know that, building your own
presence successfully online is still within your reach.

While the naysayers are still crying out loud why it
can't be done. the FACT...remains that ordinary people
like you and I are still MAKING IT HAPPEN everyday.

But why it so that, when you take an average of 100 people
who get into the bandwagon to succeed online.... 95 will
fail and quit...4-5 will make a reasonable living online..
and 2 will get stinking rich.

Even if these figures are not very encouraging, you
must understand there are some valid reasons why this
is so.

A vital point for you to note is that there are some great
similarities when you do a comparison on doing business
Online and Offline.One thing for sure, it goes without
saying " Nothing happens by chance." The fallacy that by
just placing a Web site on the WWW and hoping for it to
generate mega success online is still very much a fable.
Some call it hype!

This is probably one of the main reason why many budding
online entrepreneurs soon or later go broke online. The
truth remains that anyone who wants to get the desired
results to succeed online must include three important
elements and they are:

1. Education
2. Time
3. Money

Before you even dare to venture on your own, to make a
presence online, ask yourself:

Are you willing to educate yourself on the different
aspects of Internet Marketing' Let us now list down
some of the key elements that every online marketer
must know to become a successful netpreneur.

The very obvious would be, knowing how to operated your
computer effectively. This may sound very basic and yet
this is what destroys a lot of people. You must always be
prepared for the unavoidable and the unexpected.

Just to give you an account of our own experience:
In our own quest to succeed online we had to overcome
insurmountable challenges. But the most frustrating was
when we had to lose 2 years of work, in two hard disk in
just matter of minutes. Hey, it does make your wonder
whether to continue or to quit. But when you know how to
manage and protect your computer effectively, it in turn
helps you to save time, money and not forgetting

So what are some of the other vital knowledge to
acquire for one to keep ahead of their competition'

The List:
Web designing and some knowledge of HTML, understand how
the Internet works, how to engage in effective e-mail
marketing, Ezine Publishing, how to develop an opt-in
mailing list, search engine optimization, E-book creations
and viral marketing, promotions and advertising online,
joint venture, testimonial marketing, How to write
effective Net copies and how to develop a business plan.

The next question that you need to ask yourself would be:
How much time am I willing to devote towards my business
While we often associated an online business with
automation. You will discover that for a lot of people
what this means is, just uploading a web site and using an
auto responder to hand out a few messages. As you
can see from the list above, it is much more than that.

The last question that you need to ask yourself is:
What is my financial commitment' While the Internet
offers free resources, free software, free Web sites and
others .The question you should ask yourself is, should
I use them' The answer is Yes and No.

Yes, if you are using them for a hobby or as a
non-business Web site. No, if you want to make a
professional presence online. With an exception of a
few free resources, you will soon find, that you
will not get the respect and credibility you need when
you use many of these freebies.

When you look at free resources, you will soon
realize that, there is nothing really Free online.

There is always a small and at times a large price to
pay. Take free web sites for example, many are used as
tools by the owners to leverage their time and effort.
The banners or text links that appear quite permanently
are actually used to promote the freebie giver's product
or services. You may in the long run, end up losing
traffic that you worked hard for.

In closing, it is vital to remember that one should
treat one`s online business as a real business. The
key words to remember are: keep promoting and testing.
And not forgetting the simple but "profound truth"
that "Hard Work Still Pays".

Patrick Ravi is an E-Marketing Consultant for the Asia
Pacific Rim global-ibiz/webtreasures.htm
Get his Free Online course that reveals his success
secrets on how to turn your computer into a CyberCash
Register, all on a shoe string budget at: